Évaluation des troubles de l’oralité alimentaire chez l’enfant de 4 à 18 ans : création d’un outil ergothérapique centré sur l’occupation repas

1er prix du Concours d’articles 2020-2021

Assessment of pediatric feeding disorders (PFD) in children aged 4 to 18: creation of an occupational therapy tool focused on mealtime

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Summary :

Pediatric feeding disorder is used to designate all the difficulties keeping an infant or a child from having a safe and successful feeding process. PFD affects at least 25 % of children worldwide. Amongst children with neurodevelopmental defects, this percentage reaches about 80 %. This work uses the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) as a theoretical framework to document the multiple factors responsible for a child’s adequate nutritional intake.
We reviewed the different PFD assessment tools available to OTs, to determine whether they cover the whole range of the occupational therapy approach within the CMOP-E framework. None of the existing tools covered the required evaluation range for occupational therapy practice. Designed to determine the ideal features of a PFD evaluation tool, a survey was distributed to 24 specialized OTs. An early version of the tool was then developed and discussed with two specialized OTs. The implication for OT research and practice are discussed and an assessment tool for mealtime performance is proposed.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Syrielle Zouakh

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Étudiante à la maîtrise en ergothérapie à l’Université de Montréal

    Obtention du DE : juin 2020
    Directrice de mémoire : Marie Ruffier-Bourdet

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