Stages d’ergothérapie à la maternelle : analyse et proposition d’interventions préventives

Occupational therapy clinical practicums in kindergarten: analysis and proposal of preventive interventions

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Summary :

In Quebec (Canada), about a third of children from low socioeconomic neighbor­hoods present with a developmental delay in kindergarten (5 years old). In order to support the development and the participation of these students, a pilot project was implemented to analyse the preventive interventions of occupational therapy interns in kindergarten. Operationalized with a multiple case study, this project involved six interns (three dyads) with off site supervision. Each dyad worked during seven weeks in a school in a low socioeconomic neighborhood. Each case included the kindergarten teacher (or the service provider) and her class. Occupational therapy objectives and interventions were determined with each teacher. The effects of interventions were measured with validated tools. Eight kindergarten classes participated in the study. Overall, 78 % of the intervention goals were achieved. Based on the results, a logic model of occupational therapy clinical practicums in kindergarten with a preventive aim is proposed.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Emmanuelle Jasmin

    Ergothérapeute, Ph.D.
    Professeure à l’École de réadaptation
    Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke

  • Caroline Hui

    Ergothérapeute, M.Sc.
    Chargée de cours à l’École de réadaptation
    Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke

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