Summary :
The URFMP is a support service for people in a disabling situation who are on work stoppage, destined to maintain employment. The occupational therapist is at the heart of the rehabilitation process. By using the DCP model, the therapist takes part in the assessment of the disabling situation(s) by analyzing personal, environmental factors and life habits. The occupational therapist’s approach is based on experimentation, self-assessment, counselling and education to integrate the patient into the heart of his rehabilitation process and support him in a process of change.
The role of residence referent makes it possible for the occupational therapist to coordinate the intervention of professionals whose common objective is to remove the obstacles to returning to work. It is by collaborating with the ergonomist who analyses the job requirements, that an action on the environmental obstacles, if they exist, can be considered. This joint work with the patient makes it possible to obtain a global understanding of the situation and to support him as closely as possible to his needs. This makes it possible to optimize the prognosis of a return to work in the most sustainable way, and it can even be improved by imagining the creation of a transversal service to ensure remote and longer-term monitoring.
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Article rédigé par :
Christelle Guegan-Forget
Ergothérapeute DE
Centre de Réadaptation du Pâtis Fraux
2, allée Salvador-Dali
35770 Vern sur Seiche
Julie Guigourese
Ergothérapeute DE
Centre de Réadaptation du Pâtis Fraux
2, allée Salvador-Dali
35770 Vern sur Seiche
Thomas Couanon
Ergothérapeute DE
Centre de Réadaptation du Pâtis Fraux
2, allée Salvador-Dali
35770 Vern sur Seiche
Marthe Lemonnier
Ergothérapeute DE
Centre de Réadaptation du Pâtis Fraux
2, allée Salvador-Dali
35770 Vern sur Seiche