Les méthodes de rééducation de l’héminégligence en ergothérapie après un AVC : une revue systématique de la littérature

1er prix du Concours d’articles 2018-2019

Rehabilitation methods for hemineglect in occupational therapy after stroke: a systematic review

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Summary :

The Unilateral Spatial Neglect (USN) is a very common syndrome found after right hemisphere injury. It results in an omission of the contralateral space at the lesion, which has important consequences on patients’ daily life activities. Rehabilitation of this syndrome is therefore a major challenge in occupational therapy.
To analyze the literature to determine the effectiveness of rehabilitation methods in the management of patients with USN syn-drome.
Systematic review of the literature.
12 randomized controlled trials were selected from the MEDLINE, Sciencedirect and Cochrane Library databases ; 8 studies showed a significant reduction of USN in the experimental group and only 3 presented no improvement in daily living activities.
All rehabilitation methods used in occupational therapy can reduce symptoms of USN. However, the few studies found by method cannot allow us to say that one method is more effective than another.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Laure Rolland-Piègue

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Exercice libéral
    La Rochelle (17)

  • Anaick Perrochon

    Directeur de mémoire
    Institut limousin de formation des métiers de la réadaptation (ILFOMER)
    Université de Limoges
    Laboratoire HAVAE (EA 6310), Université de Limoges

  • Stéphane Mandigout

    Référent pédagogique
    Institut limousin de formation des métiers de la réadaptation (ILFOMER)
    Université de Limoges
    Laboratoire HAVAE (EA 6310), Université de Limoges

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