Les publications scientifiques francophones réalisées par des ergothérapeutes

The French-speaking scientific publications produced by occupational therapists

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Summary :

Currently few research papers are published by French occupational therapists but it is becoming usual. Articles in occupational therapy are becoming more scientific, the occupational therapists are doing masters and doctorates, and research is more accessible to them. This work aims to understand what motivates and what helps the occupational therapists to publish and what refrains them from doing so. Twelve occupational therapists doing a doctorate were questioned through a semi-directive questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that continuing doctorate studies encourages publication. Furthermore occupational therapists seem to be influenced in their research by their work environment and their professional practice.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Marianne HAINE

    Centre hospitalier Sainte-Anne
    7, rue des Gobelins
    75013 Paris

  • Nicolas BIARD

    Directeur du Pôle Formation Continue
    IFPEK Rennes 
    Doctorant en psychologie ergonomique et cognitive
    CRPCC (EA 1285)
    Université Rennes 2 
    Membre du Collège Recherche de l’ANFE

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