Formations théorique, pratique et clinique pour une meilleure acquisition des compétences : activités pédagogiques réalisées au sein de l’IFE de Berck-sur-Mer

Theoretical, practical and clinical training for a better acquisition of new skills: Educational activities designed by Berck-sur-Mer OT School

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Summary :

the occupational therapist training repository is based on a co-operative curriculum including academic training on the institute / college premises and practical training courses on the workplace.

The link between the two aspects is essential for the students to acquire true professional skills. Different concepts are addressed throughout this work: from a “juxtapositive” co-operation to the development of a close relationship between the two approaches. The practices at Berck-sur-Mer OT school are not only designed for the students but also for the training of their tutors. Learners perceive this link, identify the co-operative design of their learning pathways and suggest development perspectives towards an improved communication between what they may sometimes see as two widely separated worlds.

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Article rédigé par :

    Responsable des stages

  • Stéphanie HEDDEBAUT

    Directrice pédagogique

    Institut de formation en ergothérapie

    Berck-sur-Mer / Loos-Eurasanté

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