La cour des possibles

La cour de récréation : un espace tremplin pour la participation au jeu des enfants

Playground of Possibilities

The school playground: a springboard environment for children’s play participation

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Summary :

Introduction. The constant evolution of occupational therapy and the increase of the top-down approach invites us to consider some significant places as potential spaces of support. As a significant element, health factor, right and predominant occupational behaviour of the child, play represents more than a tool for occupational therapy intervention. Perfectly combining leisure and productivity, the school playground can be a springboard environment for children’s play participation.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine to what extent the school playground is a relevant space for the occupational therapy support of children from the occupational participation point of view, so that “playing for pleasure” is not neglected.
Methods. It is based on a narrative review of the literature conducted from 3 databases. The literature search process resulted in the inclusion of 13 English-language articles published between 2007 and 2021.
Results. Four categories emerged: (1) the child’s involvement; (2) the activities carried out; (3) the environmental characteristics; (4) the models to improve participation in play, on the playground.
Conclusion. Occupational therapists are in an ideal position to improve children’s play participation within this meaningful living environment which offers an original path to school-based occupational therapy. This article considers the development of practice within playgrounds and proposes perspectives for future research.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Clémence Orain

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Étudiante en deuxième année de Master européen en Sciences de l’ergothérapie
    Université des Sciences appliquées d’Amsterdam

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