Durée d’usage des aides techniques : quelle prise en compte par les ergothérapeutes dans la préconisation ?

Duration of use of technical aids: how do occupational therapists take this into account in their recommendations?

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Summary :

Introduction. Technical aids are a key technological factor in compensating for handicap situations. In practice, access to these aids, their use and their future raise questions of sustainability. This article presents the results of a survey carried out in 2021 as part of an introductory research project which aimed to find out whether occupational therapists working in the Maisons départementales des personnes handicapées (MDPH) and in the Centres d’information et de conseil en aides techniques (CICAT) integrated the notion of duration of use into their recommendations. The hypotheses formulated were that they took into account the sturdiness and repairability of technical aids and that they were aware of reuse structures.
Method. A survey was carried out among occupational therapists practising in these structures by means of an online questionnaire.
Results. Among the 55 respondents, a majority of them frequently or always integrate the robustness criterion and a minority the reparability criterion. Respondents are aware of reuse facilities but there are many barriers to accessing them.
Perspective. The current evolution of French regulations and the information actions supported by the Network for Sustainable Development in Occupational Therapy are signs of encouragement for a transition towards eco-responsible recommendations for technical aids that reconcile functionality and eco-responsibility.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Clémence Villedey

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Hôpital Rothschild

  • Sarah Thiébaut

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formatrice à l’IFE de l’ADERE
    Coordinatrice du réseau R2DE

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