Summary :
Due to the ageing of the global population, preventive actions against the loss of independence and/or autonomy are a real subject where occupational therapists have shown their competences. Prevention implies early interventions, in the hospital, right through the front door of the emergency ward. Although the occupational therapist is rarely present in these wards, occupational therapy interventions can occur within a mobile geriatric team. These interventions aim to prevent dependancy in elderly people through advising and proposing solutions which would ensure the home-dwelling. They also aim to preserve the functional status of the people visiting the emergency ward. This is still to be developed in practice due to the specific nature of the emergency ward.
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Article rédigé par :
Marine Febvre
Ergothérapeute DE
Équipe mobile de gériatrie
Hôpital Édouard-Herriot
Pavillon K
5, place d’Arsonval
69003 Lyon