L’impératif du rôle de l’ergothérapeute dans le domaine thérapeutique de l’obésité

Occupational Therapy: an essential therapeutic role in the treatment of obesity

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Summary :

Introduction. The objective of this article is to holistically explore the domain of occupational therapy in the context of obesity and to propose areas of practice for occupational therapists in France.
Situation and context. The context of obesity is explored, including a view of current statistics across France with some comparison to other countries. This is followed by an investigation of the causes of obesity from a holistic perspective, moving away from a physiological explanation towards dynamic and psychosocial reasoning surrounding this health problem.
Intervention et discussion. Social and political policy in France with regard to obesity is explained, highlighting the possibilities in the sector for French occupational therapists. Propositions for areas of practice in obesity and methods of practice are proposed.
Conclusion. The role of occupational therapy in obesity care is not well established in France, but the beginnings of social and political changes in policy mean that occupational therapy can begin to take its place in this domain of practice. The holistic, psychosocial perspective of occupational therapy could benefit service users and result in significant health changes for obese people.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Sarah Mead Warren

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formatrice, IFPEK, Rennes

  • Alexia Ruffel

    Ergothérapeute DE

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