Télésoin en ergothérapie : développement et perspectives

Telecare in occupational therapy: development and perspectives

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Summary :

Objective. The purpose of this article is to review the history of telecare and to report on its current development in occupational therapy.
Method. To meet this objective, articles related to the management of a patient remotely via a videoconferencing system were consulted to constitute a database.
Results. Telecare is part of the e-health system, just like its counterpart : telemedicine. Timidly developed in France, telecare is now offered to a large patient base, similar to neighboring countries.
Discussion. Its practice raises certain obstacles, including ethical issues. However, this practice would provide great benefits, such as the follow-up of patients during periods of confinement.
Conclusion. The current health crisis allows the evolution of occupational therapy practice. Telecare is one of these notable advances, although it is already implemented in many countries, including France. However, a legal framework remains to be defined in order to perfect and increase its use.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Hélène Cariteau

    Ergothérapeute DE
    CHU de Clermont-Ferrand
    Étudiante au Master RG3PE
    Membre du groupe de travail sur le télésoin à l’ANFE

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