Harmonisation des pratiques pour la prévention des infections associées aux soins (IAS) et ergothérapie

Uniform practice for the prevention of healthcare associated infections and occupational therapy

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Summary :

Raising awareness and health and safety training of healthcare workers are essential for Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) prevention. Indeed, Health High Authority (HHA) is afraid infections will in the 30 years to come, without treatment possibilities. Occupational therapists are also concerned, in their practice with precaution implementation issued from HHA last recommendations, whether they work in institution, in their office or at home and therefore play an important role for patient information and prevention. I took an active interest in this subject because I found a huge gap between HHA recommendations and reality. I wondered how to decrease that gap.
This article’s aim is to promote HAI prevention by allowing Occupational Therapists to make up their own mind to make a step ahead. Indeed, health and safety recommendations implementation present a real difficulty for most Occupational Therapists, considering the equipment they use and sometimes manufacture themselves, the environments in which they are working and the actions they are performing in relation with their patients.
Occupational Therapists initial training and the planned training within the continuous Professional Development Program (PDP) for health and safety shall allow tomorrow’s Occupational Therapists to be in line with present knowledge on infection transmission risks. They must continue to evolve towards a better health services quality.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Guylaine Henry Lamy

    Ergothérapeute libérale
    Ere-go Formation
    2, place de l’Artiguelongue
    65200 Pouzac
    henryguylaine@gmail.com http://www.erego.fr

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