Le Problem Based Learning (PBL) : comment a-t-il été introduit dans les études d’ergothérapie en Europe et quels éléments ont permis sa mise en place ?

Problem Based Learning (PBL): how was it introduced in occupational therapy studies in Europe and which elements allowed its implementation?

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Summary :

Introduction: Recommended by the WHO, Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an interesting educational approach for health professionals training, such as occupational therapists. However, this method, increasingly used in occupational therapy schools/ universities in Europe, is struggling to develop in France.
Goal: To understand how PBL was introduced and integrated into European occupational therapy curricula in order to identify levers that would enable to implement it in the French curriculum.
Method: A qualitative and descriptive approach has been used to analyze the data collected by an online questionnaire.
Results: The four themes that emerged from the analysis highlight the flexible implementation framework for the use of PBL, the necessary human and academic facilitators for its development, the points of vigilance and the pedagogical contributions of PBL.
Conclusion: PBL requires student reflection, collaborative decisions and a proposal of concrete solutions to complex issues. Characteristics and qualities of the PBL echo with occupational therapists’ field issues.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Marielle André

    Ergothérapeute, MSc OT
    Enseignante formatrice
    IFE-IRFSS Croix-Rouge Française de Tours

  • Alice Pellichero

    Ergothérapeute, MSc OT
    Doctorante en Sciences cliniques
    et biomédicales
    au CIRRIS, Québec

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