L’espace Snoezelen, de l’éveil sensoriel à l’interaction avec l’enfant autiste non verbal

Snoezelen, sensory stimulation and interaction with a non-verbal child with autism

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Summary :

The concept of Snoezelen, originating in the Netherlands, is based on sensory stimulation and relaxation, through the creation of an ambience of well being within a safe space. The author of this article reflects upon how to accompany a child with autism, incorporating a Snoezelen space, in order to promote a connection with the environment and to better manage emotions.
Following a description of the young child, Adrien, and an analysis of his difficulties and those of his significant others, as encountered in their daily lives, the author searches for explanations within Snoezelen concepts for ways to help with sensory stimulation and interactions bet-ween the child and others. Theoretical applications for conducting sessions and the particular needs of autism provide the necessary elements for resolving this clinical issue. The author goes on to detail the role of the occupational therapist in this therapeutic process, describing the evolution of the child’s level of autonomy throughout the sessions, as experienced by Adrien.
Finally, the benefits of this experience are presented, including ameliorating Adrien’s relational and emotional skills, as well as adapting his personal space in order to transfer these skills into the activities of daily life.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Flora Yahiaoui

    Ergothérapeute DE

    Cabinet paramédical
    2, impasse du Moulin-de-la-Seine
    77310 Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry


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