Les ergothérapeutes français ont-ils une approche centrée sur la personne ?

Do French occupational therapists have a person-centered approach?

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Summary :

The person-centered approach is at the heart of Occupational Therapy practice. However, few studies have been concerned in the importance of its principles and the perceived ease of its implementation. This article aims to describe the French occupational therapists’ percep-tion of the person-centered approach. It presents the results of a survey of 130 French occupational therapists. A majority of the re-spondents have a positive perception of this approach. Content analysis argues that, in practice, representations of this approach relate to concepts of respect, empowerment, therapeutic partnership, decision-making responsibility and, finally, congruence with the context of life of the person. However, new information provided by this study is the existence of a gap between the perception of the importance of this ap-proach and the perception of its ease of implementation. It turns out that to ask the patient to establish treatment objectives by themself is very difficult to implement even if respondents found it to be very important in theory. Future research is needed to describe projects that occupa-tional therapists can implement to have a person-centered and occupation-based approach.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Chloé De Haerne

    Ergothérapeute MSc.

    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    1900, boulevard des Récollets
    Trois-Rivières, Qc, Canada


  • Martine Brousseau

    Ergothérapeute Ph.D.

    Professeure au Département d’ergothérapie
    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    Trois-Rivières, Qc, Canada


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