Leadership en ergothérapie : Merci Julie, une expérience hors norme

Leadership in occupational therapy: Merci Julie, an extraordinary experience

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Summary :

Leadership in occupational therapy needs to develop if the profession is to find the place it deserves. Through “Merci Julie”, we set out to create an innovative service that aims to democratize access to occupational therapy for elderly and dependent people, thanks to an integrated approach that includes diagnostics, technical recommendations, follow-up and administrative support. By adopting participative governance and drawing on evidence-based, impact-driven practice, we have, in collaboration with our partners, strengthened our position in the medico-social sector and promoted the values of occupational therapy. It’s important to emphasize our proactive commitment, innovation and collaboration, elements we believe are essential to increasing visibility, influence and leading practice for our profession.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Mickaël Briquet

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Cofondateur et directeur général de Senioralis-Merci Julie
    Vice-président du Conseil national professionnel de l’ergothérapie (CNPE)
    Administrateur de l’Association française des ergothérapeutes en gériatrie (AFEG)

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