Les parents au cœur de l’approche Cog-Fun dans l’accompagnement de leur enfant présentant un TDAH

Parents at the heart of the Cog-Fun approach to supporting their child with ADHD

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Summary :

ADHD in children is a health condition which presents a range of bio-psycho-social problems and impacts on the child’s activities, as well as those of the whole family. That’s why it’s important to take account of the parents’ experiences when providing support. The Cog-Fun approach is a structured occupational therapy intervention model for children aged 5 to 10 with ADHD, which seeks to act jointly on the child and his or her family environment. Parental interviews are held at key points in the intervention, and parents are required to be present during sessions with the child, in order to provide modelling and parental guidance to facilitate the transfer of skills at home. The Cog-Fun approach is based on a number of studies, including a randomised controlled trial in 2016 which showed positive effects after intervention on executive functioning and quality of life, as well as a reduction in symptoms in children with ADHD, as perceived by their parents.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Pauline Dantin

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formatrice Cog-Fun

  • Cyriaque Mallet

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formatrice Cog-Fun

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