L’approche centrée sur la famille et le partenariat parental en ergothérapie : une autre approche pour un accompagnement optimal ?

The family-centred approach and parental partnership in occupational therapy: another approach for optimal support?

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Summary :

The article questions the relevance of a child-centred approach to intervention and highlights the family-centred approach. Indeed, other ways of working are possible, and parental partnership is a basis to strive towards. The family must be able to decide on its degree of involvement, justifying the range of support that can be created within the family-centred approach. This can range from families who delegate all decisions to those who co-construct the project, those who are supported by Occupational Performance Coaching (Graham et al., 2021), or those who are coached by means of videos and emails, and so on. Several key points facilitate the application of the family-centred approach and the creation of a partnership relationship. The occupational therapist’s guiding principle will always be to promote parental satisfaction.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Clémentine Luzu

    Ergothérapeute DE
    1 rue Brizeux
    29270 Carhaix-Plouguer

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