De l’OTIPM à l’OCIA : des appuis pour une intervention centrée sur l’occupation en ergothérapie

L’auto-évaluation avec l’Occupation-Centered Intervention Assessment

From OTIPM to OCIA: tools supporting a more occupation-centered intervention

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Summary :

Background. Occupational therapists share the core values of occupational therapy placing occupation at the center during the intervention phase. Though, in practice a lot of interventions are not occupation-centered.
Objective. The purpose of this study is to assess whether the Occupational-Centered Intervention Assessment (OCIA) can be a supportive tool for an occupation-centered practice and to explore the barriers and resources met by occupational therapists in their practice.
Methods. 4 semi-directive interviews were conducted with occupational therapists working in mental health or in follow-up and rehabilitation services in this exploratory research.
Results. All the interviewed occupational therapists were genuinely inter­ested in an auto-evaluation tool such as the OCIA. A variety of barriers and resources were mentioned, at institutional and personal levels (time, training, peer exchanges, material, environment, values…).
Conclusion. The OCIA could be a supportive tool to enhance the occupation-centered aspect of the practice. Further studies should be conducted to assess the effective changes in practice by using the OCIA and to refine the transcription of this assessment in the French context.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Maloin Gillier-Rebaud

    Ergothérapeute DE

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