Summary :
Cognitive complaints, otherwise known as chemobrain, have been studied mainly in breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. The chemobrain is multifactorial and impacts on the occupational participation of patients and in particular on social relationships and return to work. Occupational therapy is progressively finding its place among supportive oncology care and allows the link between the disease, the effects on health and the participation of the person in his or her activities of daily living. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) is a tool that supports occupational therapy management, helps patients become active participants and allows them to assess the evolution of their occupational participation. The collaboration of Madame S., a 51 years old patient, illustrates the benefits of occupational therapy in her care and the interest of the occupation-centered tools on her feeling of competence. Thus, occupational therapy is a supportive oncology care discipline to be mobilized throughout the care pathway of patients suffer-ing from chemobrain and facilitating their socio-professional reintegration.
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Article rédigé par :
Alice Frelon
Ergothérapeute DE
Institut universitaire du cancer
Toulouse Oncopole
Manon Giraud
Ergothérapeute DE