La promotion de la santé en ergothérapie, au cœur des occupations des populations

Promoting health in occupational therapy: at the core of communities’ occupations

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Summary :

Among other healthcare professionals, occupational therapists are being called upon to adress the recent French healthcare prevention shift by developing services in health promotion. Leading to a change in practice that occurs ahead of a disruption in health status, it involves working among communities that are socio-economically challenged and affected by social determinants impacting their health, wellbeing, and lifestyle. When applying an occupational justice perspective, occupational therapists are enabled to provide occupation-focused interventions in partnership with communities. These professionals could even thrive in this emerging field, more used to struggle against a lack of recognition. They could stand ready to meet with the target date set in 2030 for intervening in prevention at the community-level.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Sophie Albuquerque

    École des sciences de la réadaptation, Formation ergothérapie
    Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
    Faculté des sciences médicales
    & paramédicales
    Consultante en promotion de la santé et experte à Occupational Therapy – Europe en soins primaires, réduction de la pauvreté et inégalité d’accès aux systèmes de santé

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