Favoriser l’occupation au domicile : la nécessaire collaboration avec les aidants professionnels

Promoting occupation at home: the necessary collaboration with the professional caregivers

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Summary :

Persons suffering from physical impairements and communication difficulties of cognitive origin often benefit from a significant intervention of professional carers to help them stay at home. But the succession of different professionals associated with the persons’ difficulties in expressing their life habits, undermine occupation because of the lack of understanding of their values and their choices by professional caregivers.
Three occupational therapists in a support service questioned the implementation of means to promote respect for the individual’s lifestyle and their collaboration with professional caregivers of service providers. Their intervention framework allows them to carry out an assessment in the person’s home environment and enrich the findings with multidisciplinary team’s analyses. The question is then to discuss with the person and the professional carer to negotiate the performance of these occupations. However, the sustainability of these occupations may be difficult due to the problems faced by the persons and their professional caregivers’ employers. The support service then proposed an extended reflection to professional carers and their managers in order to work on the implementation of tools promoting occupation.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Céline Esbens

    Ergothérapeute DE
    28, rue de l’Aven
    BP 48304
    95804 Cergy-Pontoise cedex


  • Julie Le Pironnec

    Ergothérapeute DE
    28, rue de l’Aven
    BP 48304
    95804 Cergy-Pontoise cedex


  • Yves-Marie Vasse

    Ergothérapeute DE
    28, rue de l’Aven
    BP 48304
    95804 Cergy-Pontoise cedex


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