Les troubles de l’oralité alimentaire : une dimension sensorielle, mais pas seulement

Eating disorders: more than just a sensory dimension

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Summary :

The meal is an activity of daily life. Humanity is here involved in a full and complex way. Feeding develops from early child experiences, even in utero. Eating involves the integrity of different systems such as functional, sensory and affective systems. Assesment of eating dysfunction requires a global questioning about the person. In order to rehabilit the meal as a meaningful occupation within the family, it is important to give meaning to this activity through pleasure and autonomy.
The occupational therapist has a key position to assess and analyse the person’s eating performance and to empower the per-son for this occupation.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Marie Ruffier Bourdet

    Ergothérapeute DE

    14, rue Pierre-de-Coubertin
    21000 Dijon


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