Évaluation et accompagnement en ergothérapie de personnes adultes devenues sourdes ou malentendantes

Occupational therapy assessment and treatment of adults who become deaf or hard of hearing

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Summary :

The repercussions in all the daily acts of people with hearing problems seem non-existent. However, they are present. These difficulties have functional con­sequences that can be assessed with validated assessment tools. Although these assessments are mainly done by other professionals, occupational therapists can also assess daily life difficulties caused by hearing deficits. The intervention is done within the person’s life place, whether at home, in a shelter home or retirement institution. Once the hearing aid is in place, speech therapy is necessary. Communication advice towards those close to the person, but also home or equipment recommendations, allow deaf persons to communicate better and to reduce their handicap situations.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Nicolas Miglianico

    Ergothérapeute DE

    FIDEV – Réadaptation et insertion pour déficients visuels
    Service d’appui à l’insertion professionnelle
    12 rue Saint-Simon
    69009 LYON


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