Projet Ergorico : rencontre entre santé mentale et mosaïque

Ergorico's Project: Meeting of Mental Health and mosaic

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Summary :

The Ergorico project was born of our desire to help change perceptions of mental disorders and to improve the social integration of patients. We were four students in occupationnal therapy at the IFE of Rennes and our end of studies project was to enable people with mental disorders to create and realize a mosaic artwork. Patients and care professionnals from a hospital in Rennes, worked for more than one year on the conception and realization of this project through internal and external workshops, all coordinat-ed by us. Some workshops were open to the public which promoted the sharing of information. The project is inspired by Isidore Odorico’s work, a famous mosaic artist in the early 20th century. The result of this work was an exhibition in a place open to the public and frequently visited in Rennes. This project was an enriching experience of social inclusion where everyone had the choice to get involved in their own way.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Maud Hénaff

    Ergothérapeute DE

    Cabinet La Rose des Vents – Rennes

  • Marion Lainé

    Ergothérapeute DE

    CM&P Rennes Beaulieu

  • Camille Le Roux

    Ergothérapeute DE

    75017 Paris

  • Adeline Wallet

    Ergothérapeute DE

    Centre hospitalier psychiatrique

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