Activités ou médiations ?

Comment une activité ou une médiation peuvent-elles être ou devenir thérapeutiques ?

Activities or mediations?

How can activity or mediation be or become therapeutic?

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Summary :

Our practice in occupational therapy, multiple, varied, versatile, is part of the societal care space that is evolving towards a bio-psycho-social model. Our practice is also reflected in concepts derived from models of human occupation. In mental health, the emergence of so-called integrative psychotherapies opens the way for an occupational therapy that can also integrate several models and therapy tools. This article proposes to develop the different meaningful experiences that material, technique and objects can offer. It also seeks to bring out a reflection on the difference between the terms of activity and mediation. These two terms offer a whole range of tools to the person in pain, to be, to feel, to do, to say, to talk and to transform the self, and thus to give meaning to their experience.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Muriel Launois

    Ergothérapeute DE

    Enseignante en IFE et formatrice ANFE
    Formation à l’hypnose ericksonienne
    et aux thérapies brèves
    Créatrice du site ergopsy :

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