Summary :
Connected objects and applications are booming. Their use, supported by technological innovation, is constantly evolving. This is also true in health care where they can be used for connected health initiatives.
Not considered as technical aids, and therefore rarely covered by health insurance, they are nonetheless a useful and constantly renewed resource to support autonomy and health prevention.
As such, they may be recommended by occupational therapists, who know, evaluate and use their latest versions. Occupational therapists may also be involved in their design, in partnership with their developers.
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Article rédigé par :
Sandrine Hudson Pradier
Ergothérapeute DE
Chef de projet informatique
Membre du CA de l’ANFE
Membre du bureau directeur du CNPE, Conseil national professionnel de l’ergothérapieExpert auprès de la HAS dans le groupe de travail « Applications et objets connectés »