Développement du pouvoir d’agir (empowerment) en ergothérapie : une pratique innovante avec les personnes vulnérables en santé

Empowerment in occupationnal therapy: innovative practice with health vulnérable populations

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Summary :

After a brief review and presentation of the empowerment of persons and communities, the article will consider the relevance of occupational therapy in the rehabilitation field through real-life examples of professional practice in problematic assessment situations. One objective is to show how this approach brings change for these patients and alters healthcare professionals' clinical practice by providing a relevant and useful tool. The second objective is to reflect on common references with occupational therapy and what novelty it can bring to the profession.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Catherine PETIT

    Ergothérapeute CMN Propara
    Formatrice IFE Montpellier
    Master en sciences humaines et sociales, mention éducation et formation
    Université de Provence, Aix et Marseille

    En partenariat avec l’IFCS 34, Personne ressource formatrice DPA-PC

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