Summary :
After a brief review and presentation of the empowerment of persons and communities, the article will consider the relevance of occupational therapy in the rehabilitation field through real-life examples of professional practice in problematic assessment situations. One objective is to show how this approach brings change for these patients and alters healthcare professionals' clinical practice by providing a relevant and useful tool. The second objective is to reflect on common references with occupational therapy and what novelty it can bring to the profession.
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Article rédigé par :
Catherine PETIT
Ergothérapeute CMN Propara
Formatrice IFE Montpellier
Master en sciences humaines et sociales, mention éducation et formation
Université de Provence, Aix et Marseille
c2b.petit@gmail.comEn partenariat avec l’IFCS 34, Personne ressource formatrice DPA-PC