Rééducation d’une jeune maman post-AVC, basée sur l’approche neuro-environnementale « NER21 »

Post-stroke rehabilitation of a young mother based on the concept of Neuro-Environmental Rehabilitation 21st Century/NER21

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Summary :

Ms N. suffered an hemorrhagic stroke, due to eclampsia, some days following the birth of her child. This article describes her rehabilitation at two different moments in time: 2 and 6 months post stroke. Her functional goal was to independently manage all care for her baby and to resume her role as wife and mother.

Using movement analysis of her functional and cognitive abilities, the author presents appropriate intervention activities that allow her to effectively achieve her life goals.

Specific strategies according to the « Neuro-Environmental Rehabilitation 21st Century/NER21 » concept are presented. NER21 is a biopsychosocial approach and takes as it starting point the actual Bobath concept Bobath-based Rehabilitation/BBR. Contextual factors, personal and environmental, are priorities in this rehabilitation approach and are demonstrated in this case description. Active participation and treatment in a simulated home environment are illustrated.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Michèle H. GERBER

    BSc PT, Expert-clinicienne NER21*
    Senior instructor IBITA**
    Senior instructor NER21*
    Formatrice à l’ANFE pour les formations NER21/Bobath actuel

    *Neuro-Environmental Rehabilitation 21st Century / NER21
    **International Bobath Instructors Training Association/IBITA

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