Vers une ergothérapie de territoire : investir l’exercice coordonné comme espace d’expérimentation, et selon un leadership démocratique

Towards territorial occupational therapy: investing in coordinated practice as a space of experimentation, while applying democratic leadership

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Summary :

Occupational therapy has gradually developed itself outside hospital care institutions, notably through private practice. At the same time, occupational therapy practice models are evolving towards a biopsychosocial vision of health. Occupational therapists are slowly emancipating themselves from a biomedical vision of health and of their profession. How can occupational therapists contribute to this transformation of intervention methods, not only in the living environment of the people they support, but also in the partnership with other professionals, i.e. within the framework of coordinated practice? How can these transformations take place in a context of rising social inequalities and ecological transition, which calls for the development of cooperative approaches? Through concrete shared examples drawn from the authors’ experience, we will see how the systemic approach developed in occupational therapy can enable occupational therapists to influence healthcare practices, based on the needs of local residents. Occupational therapists are now legitimately able to embody different kind of leaderships, as leadership of influence, thanks to their professional skills and tools, helped by multi-professional networks. Democratic and collegial style of leadership appears to be the most consistent with occupational therapists’ interventions, values of justice in the socio-economic and climatic context.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Soazig David

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Pratique libérale au sein du territoire de santé 3
    Associée du Pôle de santé d’Hennebont et du Pôle de santé de Plouay
    Membre de la CPTS Douar Mor
    Coordinatrice de l’association Alterergocare
    Présidente Semeurs de santé Bretagne

  • Hélène Clavreul

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Exercice pendant vingt ans en psychiatrie et auprès d’enfants déficients visuels
    Formatrice en santé mentale en entreprise en Loire-Atlantique et en Bretagne
    Membre du GRESM
    Co-autrice du manifeste « Ergothérapie, transformation sociale et transition écologique »

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