Summary :
Several authors (Fleming-Castaldy & Patro, 2012; Heard et al. 2018; Pitts, 2020) have explored leadership in occupational therapy. How-ever, Braveman (2016) highlights the difficulty for occupational therapists to adopt a leadership position, particularly for new graduates. According to Pitts (2020), leadership should be considered essential to the development of the profession, as it improves the quality of care and brings out their particular skills. In addition, he mentions that leaders must acquire skills to establish effective collabora-tions, implement significant changes in the provision of care and positively influence team members. To better understand the dif-ferent facets of leaderÂship, the text will address some definitions of leadership, present a typology and offer examples in occupa-tional therapy.
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Article rédigé par :
Sylvie Tétreault
Ergothérapeute, Ph.D
Professeure retraitée
Université Laval (Canada)
HES-SO (Suisse)