Adapter le logement : un enjeu de participation sociale

Home adaptation: an issue of social participation

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Summary :

Home is a fundamental space for people in disabling situation to exercise their social participation. That is why its adaptation is an issue of public health.
This study aims to understand the impact of adaptation work on the lifestyles and the role of professional, to promote social participation.
Focused on people living with physical disabilities, this work is based on a literature review, semi-structured interviews and data collected through several years of professional practice at the MDPH35 (Departmental House for Disabled Persons in Ille-et-Vilaine).
The results presented and then discussed allow to further knowledge about the targeted patient group and its needs.
The values awarded to home are independent of the disability. The importance of daily activities and social roles diverge from one individual to another; adaptation work aims for promoting these without having any strict correlations between the type of the work carried out and the life habits targeted.
Professionals have an important role, both to achieve a satisfying outcome for the service users and to encourage their participation throughout the process. They have a transversal mission to lead the whole society towards inclusion.
This article is inspired from a Public Health master thesis: “Disabling Situation and Social Participation”.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Christelle Jeuland

    Ergothérapeute MSc
    Master en santé publique
    MDPH 35
    13, avenue de Cucillé
    35000 Rennes

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